

Virtually-Synchronous Communication Based on a Weak Failure Suspector

14 years 2 months ago
Virtually-Synchronous Communication Based on a Weak Failure Suspector
Failure detectors (or, more accurately Failure Suspectors { FS) appear to be a fundamental service upon which to build fault-tolerant, distributed applications. This paper shows that a FS with very weak semantics (i.e. that delivers failure and recovery information in no speci c order) su ces to implement virtually-synchronous communication (VSC) in an asynchronous system subject to process crash failures and network partitions. The VSC paradigm is particularly useful in asynchronous systems and greatly simpli es building fault-tolerant applications that mask failures by replicating processes. We suggest a three-component architecture to implement virtuallysynchronous communication : 1) at the lowest level, the FS component on top of it, 2a) a component that de nes new views, and 2b) a component that reliably multicasts messages within a view.
André Schiper, Aleta Ricciardi
Added 02 Nov 2010
Updated 02 Nov 2010
Type Conference
Year 1993
Where FTCS
Authors André Schiper, Aleta Ricciardi
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