We synchronize film cameras and LED lighting with off-the-shelf video projectors. Radiometric compensation allows displaying keying patterns and other spatial codes on arbitrary real world surfaces. A fast temporal multiplexing of coded projection and flash illumination enables professional keying, environment matting, displaying moderator information, scene reconstruction, and camera tracking for non-studio film sets without being limited to the constraints of a virtual studio. This makes digital video composition more flexible, since static studio equipment, such as blue screens, teleprompters, or tracking devices, is not required. Authentic film locations can be supported with our portable system without causing a lot of installation effort. CR Categories: I.3.3 [COMPUTER GRAPHICS]: Picture/Image Generation--Display algorithms; I.4.0 [IMAGE PROCESSING AND COMPUTER VISION]: General--Image displays; I.4.1 [IMAGE PROCESSING AND COMPUTER VISION]: Digitization and Image Capture;