

VIsion force control in task-oriented grasping and manipulation

14 years 6 months ago
VIsion force control in task-oriented grasping and manipulation
— In this paper, we present a novel approach for sensor-guided robotic execution of everyday tasks, which is amenable to be integrated in current mobile manipulators and humanoid robots. We consider a robot which is observing simultaneously his hand and the object to manipulate, by using an external camera (i.e. robot head). Task-oriented grasping algorithms are used in order to plan a suitable grasp on the object according to the task to perform. A new vision/force coupling approach [1] is used in order to, first, guide the robot hand towards the grasp position and, second, perform the task taking into account external forces. Experimental results on a real robot are presented which validate our approach.
Mario Prats, Philippe Martinet, Angel P. Del Pobil
Added 03 Jun 2010
Updated 03 Jun 2010
Type Conference
Year 2007
Where IROS
Authors Mario Prats, Philippe Martinet, Angel P. Del Pobil, Sukhan Lee
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