

Visual Homing Navigation With Two Landmarks: The Balanced Proportional Triangulation Method

14 years 9 months ago
Visual Homing Navigation With Two Landmarks: The Balanced Proportional Triangulation Method
— Current approaches to the visual homing for mobile robot navigation are generally inspired in insects’ behavior and based on the observed angular information of fixed points of the environment (landmarks). They suppose the capacity for absolute orientation of the observations (compasses) and/or require the detection and identification of at least three landmarks; furthermore, they tend to generate homing paths with circumvolutions which reduce the efficiency of navigation. This document proposes a new approach to the visual homing navigation based on the observed angular information of only two landmarks, without any previous knowledge of their locations and real sizes or any compasses or range sensors. The bearing towards the home point is calculated by means of triangulation/trilateration, considering the apparent size observed for each landmark and obtaining rectilinear navigation paths. The proposed visual homing navigation method has been simulated widely in an obstacle-f...
Jose Francisco Bonora, Domingo Gallardo
Added 12 Jun 2010
Updated 12 Jun 2010
Type Conference
Year 2006
Where IROS
Authors Jose Francisco Bonora, Domingo Gallardo
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