

Visualization and interaction techniques for mobile devices

15 years 12 days ago
Visualization and interaction techniques for mobile devices
This paper presents ongoing work toward the development of one-handed interaction techniques for mobile devices with a small touch-screen. This work comprises three main parts: the analysis of the state of the art, the development and the evaluation of novel interaction techniques, a proposal of tools that would help designing new techniques. This paper presents the work that has been already performed on the first two phases and some ideas for developing the last phase. Keywords Mobile devices, visualization, interaction technique, one-handed interaction, thumb gestures. ACM Classification Keywords H5.2. User Interfaces: Input Devices and Strategies, Interaction Styles, Screen Design; D.2.2 User Interfaces.
Anne Roudaut
Added 24 Nov 2009
Updated 24 Nov 2009
Type Conference
Year 2009
Where CHI
Authors Anne Roudaut
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