

In Vitro Implementation of Finite-State Machines

14 years 7 months ago
In Vitro Implementation of Finite-State Machines
Abstract. We explore the information processing capabilities and efciency of DNA computations by giving two di erent types of implementations of nite-state machines. A ligation-based approach allows input of arbitrary length and can be readily implemented with current biotechnology, but requires sequential input feed and di erent molecules for di erent machines. In a second implementation not based on ligation, transitions are represented by reusable molecules, and the input, coded as a molecule, can be introduced at once. We extend the technique for programmable fault-tolerant implementation of nondeterministic nite-state machines by enforcings the basic conditions in the subset constructions that permit e cient computation. All implementations allow optical extraction of the status of the machine.
Max H. Garzon, Y. Gao, John A. Rose, R. C. Murphy,
Added 08 Aug 2010
Updated 08 Aug 2010
Type Conference
Year 1997
Where WIA
Authors Max H. Garzon, Y. Gao, John A. Rose, R. C. Murphy, Russell J. Deaton, Donald R. Franceschetti, Stanley Edward Stevens Jr.
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