

VizScript: Visualizing Complex Interactions in Multi-Agent Systems

14 years 2 months ago
VizScript: Visualizing Complex Interactions in Multi-Agent Systems
We address the problem of users creating visualizations to debug and understand multi-agent systems. The key challenges are that (1) needs arise dynamically, i.e., it is difficult to know a priori what visualizations one wants, (2) extensive expertise on the system, the algorithms and visualization tools are often needed for implementation, and (3) agents can be running in a distributed environment. We have developed VizScript, a collection of tools to expedite the process of creating visualizations. VizScript combines a generic application instrumentation, a knowledge base, and simple scene definition primitives with a reasoning system, to produce an easy to use visualization system. Using VizScript we were able to recreate the visualizations for a complex multi-agent system with an order-of-magnitude less effort than was required in a Java implementation. ACM Classification: H5.2 [Information interfaces and presentation]: General terms: Algorithms, Measurement, Performance, Design...
Jing Jin, Rajiv T. Maheswaran, Romeo Sanchez, Pedr
Added 02 Oct 2010
Updated 02 Oct 2010
Type Conference
Year 2007
Where ICIA
Authors Jing Jin, Rajiv T. Maheswaran, Romeo Sanchez, Pedro A. Szekely
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