

VoiceXML in a Real Automatic Meteorological Information System

14 years 4 months ago
VoiceXML in a Real Automatic Meteorological Information System
Abstract. This paper describes the work done in developing a real automatic meteorological information system by means of building a VoiceXML framework, or browser, over an open source VoiceXML interpreter. The system provides real-time telephone access to meteorological data and a warning service which keeps users informed on the weather conditions. The interpreter has been integrated with the telephony platform, the text-tospeech engine and the automatic speech recognition engine. So we have obtained a fully functional framework for VoiceXML applications quick development and deployment. In this paper, after the description of the system functionalities, we present the framework by describing its architecture and the e ort done in integrating the voice technology with the interpreter as long as in overcoming the di culties found from the industrial point of view.
Luis Villarejo, Javier Hernando, Núria Cast
Added 31 Oct 2010
Updated 31 Oct 2010
Type Conference
Year 2003
Where BXML
Authors Luis Villarejo, Javier Hernando, Núria Castell
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