

Voting: user experience, technology and practice

15 years 2 months ago
Voting: user experience, technology and practice
This panel brings together usability and voting experts to discuss voting user experience in American governmental elections. Technological improvements and voting debacles have made this a special time for improving voting user experience. Can technologists improve the confidence citizens have in the voting system? What are the roles of teaching materials, registration processes, ballot design, polling place practices, equipment manufacturer relationships, and other human computer interaction processes in elections? Voting officials and politicians are eager for improvements in voting. This panel includes speakers from government and the CHI community to present legislative perspective, usability evaluation approach, administrators' view and behavioral science's suggestions for voting interface evaluation, design and deployment. Keywords Voting, Computer Human Interface, Ergonomics.
Ted Selker, Eric A. Fischer, Benjamin B. Bederson,
Added 01 Dec 2009
Updated 01 Dec 2009
Type Conference
Year 2003
Where CHI
Authors Ted Selker, Eric A. Fischer, Benjamin B. Bederson, Conny Mccormack, Clifford Nass
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