

VRFire: an Immersive Visualization Experience for Wildfire Spread Analysis

14 years 6 months ago
VRFire: an Immersive Visualization Experience for Wildfire Spread Analysis
Wildfires are a frequent summer-time concern for land managers and communities neighboring wildlands throughout the world. Computational simulations have been developed to help analyze and predict wildfire behavior, but the primary visualization of these simulations has been limited to 2dimensional graphics images. We are currently working with wildfire research groups and those responsible for managing the control of fire and mitigation of the wildfire hazard to develop an immersive visualization and simulation application. In our visualization application, the fire spread model will be graphically illustrated on a realistically rendered terrain created from actual DEM data and satellite photography. We are working to improve and benefit tactical and strategic planning, and provide training for firefighter and public safety with our application. CR Categories and Subject Descriptors: I.3.8 Computer Graphics Applications; I.3.7 Three-Dimensional Graphics and Realism – Virtual Realit...
William R. Sherman, Michael Penick, Simon Su, Timo
Added 04 Jun 2010
Updated 04 Jun 2010
Type Conference
Year 2007
Where VR
Authors William R. Sherman, Michael Penick, Simon Su, Timothy J. Brown, Frederick C. Harris Jr.
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