

The VVIP system: encouraging the use of public transport in Edinburgh

15 years 2 months ago
The VVIP system: encouraging the use of public transport in Edinburgh
This article is concerned with the encouragement and promotion of the use of buses in Edinburgh, especially among visually impaired users and tourists / migrant workers. The report outlines the key issues these groups encounter when using buses, and introduces VVIP, or Visual and Vocal Information Platform as a solution. The report contains detailed research methodology and findings which led to the development of VVIP, and the design and evaluation procedures undertaken by the group. VVIP is a cost effective and easily deployed dynamic location based system which offers passengers a visual and auditory display of where the bus is in relation to its next stop facilitating and improved bus travel experience. Keywords Location Based Information System, Social Inclusion, Public Transport, Visually Impaired, Tourists, GPS, Disability Discrimination Act. ACM Classification Keywords
Darren James Thomson, Marius Gylseth, Robert McGar
Added 30 Nov 2009
Updated 30 Nov 2009
Type Conference
Year 2007
Where CHI
Authors Darren James Thomson, Marius Gylseth, Robert McGarry, Carmen Valero Garcia
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