

Wastewater minimisation using central reusable water storage in batch plants

14 years 10 days ago
Wastewater minimisation using central reusable water storage in batch plants
This paper presents a continuous-time mathematical formulation for freshwater and wastewater minimisation in multipurpose batch plants with and without a central reusable water storage facility. The minimisation of wastewater is achieved through the exploitation of recycle and reuse opportunities. A superstructure that entails all the possible recycle and reuse possibilities is used as the basis for the formulation. Initially, the formulation is based on a predefined schedule characterized by a priori specification of starting or finishing times. The formulation is then extended to embed wastewater minimisation within an established scheduling framework in which starting and finishing times become optimization variables. In both forms the formulation can readily be extended to multiple contaminant media, although this will be the subject of another publication. Fixing the outlet concentration and the contaminant mass load for each water using operation in the absence of central reusab...
Thokozani Majozi
Added 15 Dec 2010
Updated 15 Dec 2010
Type Journal
Year 2005
Where CCE
Authors Thokozani Majozi
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