

Wavelet menus: a stacking metaphor for adapting marking menus to mobile devices

14 years 10 months ago
Wavelet menus: a stacking metaphor for adapting marking menus to mobile devices
Exploration and navigation in multimedia data hierarchies (e.g., photos, music) are frequent tasks on mobile devices. However, visualization and interaction are impoverished due to the limited size of the screen and the lack of precise input devices. As a result, menus on mobile devices do not provide efficient navigation as compared to many innovative menu techniques proposed for Desktop platforms. In this paper, we present Wavelet, the adaptation of the Wave menu for the navigation in multimedia data on iPhone. Its layout, based on an inverted representation of the hierarchy, is particularly well adapted to mobile devices. Indeed, it guarantees that submenus are always displayed on the screen and it supports efficient navigation by providing previsualization of the submenus. Categories and Subject Descriptors H.5.2 [Information Interfaces and Presentation]: User Interfaces– Evaluation / methodology, Graphical user interfaces (GUI), Interaction styles (e.g., commands, menus, forms,...
Jérémie Francone, Gilles Bailly, Lau
Added 27 May 2010
Updated 27 May 2010
Type Conference
Year 2009
Where MHCI
Authors Jérémie Francone, Gilles Bailly, Laurence Nigay, Eric Lecolinet
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