

Weaknesses of Cuckoo Hashing with a Simple Universal Hash Class: The Case of Large Universes

14 years 12 months ago
Weaknesses of Cuckoo Hashing with a Simple Universal Hash Class: The Case of Large Universes
Cuckoo hashing was introduced by Pagh and Rodler in 2001 [12]. A set S of n keys is stored in two tables T1 and T2 each of which has m cells of capacity 1 such that constant access time is guaranteed. For m ≥ (1+ε)n and hash functions h1, h2 that are c log n-wise independent, Pagh [11] showed that the keys of an arbitrary set S can be stored using h1 and h2 with a probability of 1 − O(1/n). Here we prove that a family of simple hash functions that can be evaluated fast is not sucient to guarantee this behavior, namely there exists a bad set S of size ≈ (7/8)·m for which the probability that the keys of S cannot be stored using h1 and h2 is Ω(1). Experiments indicate that the bad sets cause the cuckoo scheme to fail with a probability much larger than formally proved in our main theorem. Our result shows that care must be taken when using cuckoo hashing in combination with very simple hash classes, if a small failure probability is essential since frequent rehashing cannot ...
Martin Dietzfelbinger, Ulf Schellbach
Added 17 Mar 2010
Updated 17 Mar 2010
Type Conference
Year 2009
Authors Martin Dietzfelbinger, Ulf Schellbach
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