

A Web-Based Game for Supporting Game-Based Learning

14 years 5 months ago
A Web-Based Game for Supporting Game-Based Learning
Game-based learning has been recognized as an important alternative or supplement to traditional in-class, face-to-face teaching. It can help both adults and children in learning new concepts, acquiring expertise and practicing knowledge. Although game-based learning has been applied mainly for teaching children, it can be quite helpful for adult vocational or university learning. In this paper, a web-based game is presented, which has been developed for enhancing the learning experience of university students. Its goal is to serve as a complement to classes, although it can be used independently. It provides the students with many ways for communicating (synchronously or asynchronously) and acquiring information. Through the use of the game, the students gain easily new knowledge, since they have to search for it, understand it and use it in discussions with other students, who are members of other teams. The game is played by many users simultaneously. Microsoft’s ASP.NET scriptin...
Olga Dzianbenko, Maja Pivec, Christos Bouras, Vagg
Added 31 Oct 2010
Updated 31 Oct 2010
Type Conference
Year 2003
Authors Olga Dzianbenko, Maja Pivec, Christos Bouras, Vaggelis Igglesis, Vaggelis Kapoulas, Ioannis Misedakis
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