

Web-Based Modelling and Collaborative Simulation of Declarative Processes

8 years 8 months ago
Web-Based Modelling and Collaborative Simulation of Declarative Processes
Abstract. As a provider of Electronic Case Management solutions to knowledgeintensive businesses and organizations, the Danish company Exformatics has in recent years identified a need for flexible process support in the tools that we provide to our customers. We have addressed this need by adapting DCR Graphs, a formal declarative workflow notation developed at the IT University of Copenhagen. Through close collaboration with academia we first integrated execution support for the notation into our existing tools, by leveraging a cloud-based process engine implementing the DCR formalism. Over the last two years we have taken this adoption of DCR Graphs to the next level and decided to treat the notation as a product of its own by developing a stand-alone web-based collaborative portal for the modelling and simulation of declarative workflows. The purpose of the portal is to facilitate end-user discussions on how knowledge workers really work, by enabling collaborative simulation o...
Morten Marquard, Muhammad Shahzad, Tijs Slaats
Added 17 Apr 2016
Updated 17 Apr 2016
Type Journal
Year 2015
Where BPM
Authors Morten Marquard, Muhammad Shahzad, Tijs Slaats
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