

Web Community of Agents for the Integrated Logistics of Industrial Districts

14 years 5 months ago
Web Community of Agents for the Integrated Logistics of Industrial Districts
The industrial districts are characterized by the agglomeration of medium and small-sized industries, localized within a certain geographic area with precise social and cultural connotations. A crucial element of industrial districts is the existence of a wide immaterial flow of knowledge and information. In this sense, the industrial districts seem to have a network shape, rather than a hierarchical one. The paper aims to rationalize the transportation flow within industrial districts. In particular, it focuses on districts in the first stage of the evolution process; that is, when a lot of companies exist, with low specialized level and absent inter-firm cooperation. Therefore, the considered industrial districts are characterized by nonlinear mechanisms of interaction among a variety of entrepreneurs, each of them trying to get his target by conflicting with others, increasing the complexity of the system under examination and making more difficult the strategies for material flows...
Mauro Dell'Orco, Raffaele Giordano
Added 04 Jul 2010
Updated 04 Jul 2010
Type Conference
Year 2003
Authors Mauro Dell'Orco, Raffaele Giordano
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