

Web engineering with the visual software circuit board

15 years 4 months ago
Web engineering with the visual software circuit board
The Visual Software Circuit Board (VSCB) platform supports a component based development methodology towards the development of software systems. The circuit board design techniques and methodologies have evolved for electronic device and component engineering for decades. The circuit board approach, now applied for software systems and applications, makes the component based development process easy to visualize and comprehend. This paper describes the VSCB based design methodology with a specific focus on usage of VSCB for web application engineering. Categories and Subject Descriptors D.2.2 [Design Tools and Techniques] - Computer-aided software engineering (CASE), Evolutionary prototyping, Flow charts, Modules and interfaces, Object-oriented design methods, Software libraries. D.2.11 [Software Architectures] - Domain-specific architectures, Patterns (e.g., client/server, pipeline, blackboard). D.2.6 [Programming Environments] - Graphical environments, Integrated environments, Inte...
Hovhannes Avoyan, Barry Levine
Added 22 Nov 2009
Updated 22 Nov 2009
Type Conference
Year 2004
Where WWW
Authors Hovhannes Avoyan, Barry Levine
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