In this paper, we propose a web browsing support system, called WPM, which provides marking and anchoring functions on ordinary web browsers. WPM users can mark words and phrases on web pages by using their browsers without any extra plug-ins like similar systems, and can anchor words to refer them later. WPM makes it possible to carry out marking to the existing Web page so that marking carried out to paper. By changing character decoration partially, the text is indicated by emphasis and improve readability. WPM is implemented using proxy agent. This system can be used in everyday browsing, without a user being conscious of a system by using a proxy. Categories and Subject Descriptors D.2.2 [Software Enginering]: Design Tools and Techniques - User interfaces; H.4.3 [Communication Applications]: Information browsers; D.5.3 [Group and Organization Interfaces]: Web-based interaction General Terms Design Keywords browsing support, proxy agent, marking