

Web services enterprise security architecture: a case study

14 years 8 months ago
Web services enterprise security architecture: a case study
Web Services (WS hereafter) Security is a crucial aspect for technologies based on this paradigm to be completely adopted by the industry. As a consequence, a lot of initiatives have arisen during the last years setting as their main purpose the standardization of the security factors related to this paradigm. In fact, over the past years, the most important consortiums of Internet, like IETF, W3C or OASIS, are producing a huge number of WS-based security standards. Despite of this growing, there’s not exist yet a process that guides developers in the critical task of integrating security within all the stages of the development’s life cycle of WS-based software. Such a process should facilitate developers in the activities of web service-specific security requirements specification, web services-based security architecture design and web services security standards selection, integration and deployment. In this article we briefly present the PWSSec (Process for Web Services Secur...
Carlos Gutiérrez, Eduardo Fernández-
Added 26 Jun 2010
Updated 26 Jun 2010
Type Conference
Year 2005
Where SWS
Authors Carlos Gutiérrez, Eduardo Fernández-Medina, Mario Piattini
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