

WebSets: extracting sets of entities from the web using unsupervised information extraction

12 years 10 months ago
WebSets: extracting sets of entities from the web using unsupervised information extraction
We describe a open-domain information extraction method for extracting concept-instance pairs from an HTML corpus. Most earlier approaches to this problem rely on combining clusters of distributionally similar terms and conceptinstance pairs obtained with Hearst patterns. In contrast, our method relies on a novel approach for clustering terms found in HTML tables, and then assigning concept names to these clusters using Hearst patterns. The method can be efficiently applied to a large corpus, and experimental results on several datasets show that our method can accurately extract large numbers of concept-instance pairs. Categories and Subject Descriptors: I.2.6[Artificial Intelligence]: Learning - Knowledge acquisition General Terms: Algorithms, Experimentation.
Bhavana Bharat Dalvi, William W. Cohen, Jamie Call
Added 25 Apr 2012
Updated 25 Apr 2012
Type Journal
Year 2012
Where WSDM
Authors Bhavana Bharat Dalvi, William W. Cohen, Jamie Callan
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