

The Website for Graph Visualization Software References (GVSR)

14 years 6 months ago
The Website for Graph Visualization Software References (GVSR)
Graph drawing software are now commonly used. However, the choice of a well-adapted program may be hard for an inexperienced user. This poster presents a website (http://www.polytech.univ-nantes. fr/GVSR/) built to help users choose a program adapted to their problems. So far, this site uniformely presents fifty programs and aims at helping users both in their choices and in comparing the programs. The current profusion of available graph drawing programs lets the nonspecialist user often confused. Some programs have been developed in close partnership with the scientific community (e.g. Pajek for social networks). But generally speaking, the choice of a program well-adapted to both the data and the methodology remains difficult for a user expert in his field but not in graph drawing. Recent books can be used as guides [1,2], and several websites present lists of general or specialized programs [3,4,5] or synthetic views of different types of layouts [6]. However, either the informatio...
Bruno Pinaud, Pascale Kuntz, Fabien Picarougne
Added 23 Aug 2010
Updated 23 Aug 2010
Type Conference
Year 2006
Where GD
Authors Bruno Pinaud, Pascale Kuntz, Fabien Picarougne
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