

Weighted fuzzy clustering for capability-driven service aggregation

14 years 28 days ago
Weighted fuzzy clustering for capability-driven service aggregation
Abstract--Workflow design, mashup configuration, and composite service formation are examples where the capabilities of multiple simple services combined achieve a complex functionality. In this paper we address the problem of limiting the number of required services that fulfill the required capabilities while exploiting the functional specialization of individual services. Our approach strikes a balance between finding one service that matches all required capabilities and having one service for each required capability. Specifically, we introduce a weighted fuzzy clustering algorithm that detects implicit service capability groups. The clustering algorithm considers capability importance and service fitness to support those capabilities. Evaluation based on a real world dataset successfully demonstrates the effectiveness and applicability for service aggregation. Keywords-fuzzy clustering, service capabilities, service aggregation
Christoph Dorn, Schahram Dustdar
Added 15 Feb 2011
Updated 15 Feb 2011
Type Journal
Year 2010
Where SOCA
Authors Christoph Dorn, Schahram Dustdar
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