

What I wish they would have taught me (or that I would have better remembered!) in school

14 years 2 months ago
What I wish they would have taught me (or that I would have better remembered!) in school
This panel reflects upon their experiences as simulation professionals and shares their thoughts regarding elements of their simulation education that they have found most helpful in their work as well as things they wish they would have learned. With diverse backgrounds and simulation application areas, their perspectives may provide food for thought to simulation course developers and to those in the midst of their educational process. 1 CHARLES R. STANDRIDGE: TEACH STUDENTS TO BE SIMULATION CONSULTANTS Students need to learn how to do realistic simulation projects, that is become simulation consultants. Thus, the simulation methods students need to know depend on the requirements for doing a simulation project in their area of interest. Students must be instructed in these methods as well as given the opportunity to apply them, ideally in an industrial setting. Since this is not always possible, case studies and problems (Richards et. al 1995) that are realistic metaphors for indus...
Charles R. Standridge, Daniel A. Finke, Carley Jur
Added 02 Oct 2010
Updated 02 Oct 2010
Type Conference
Year 2007
Where WSC
Authors Charles R. Standridge, Daniel A. Finke, Carley Jurishica, David M. Ferrin, Catherine M. Harmonosky
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