

Which collaboration patterns are most challenging: A global survey of facilitators

14 years 6 months ago
Which collaboration patterns are most challenging: A global survey of facilitators
Facilitation is a key success factor for effective Group Support Systems (GSS) applications. The development of effective support for facilitation becomes more critical than ever as decision making groups are larger and globally distributed. Developing support for a facilitator is a promising avenue for creating successful distributed GSS. This paper presents the results of a questionnaire to attain valid information for determining which facilitation functions practicing facilitators find most and least challenging. This guides the development of support for facilitators. First, literature on facilitation functions and collaboration patterns is reviewed. Then a questionnaire is designed to collect data from over 171 facilitators around the globe. This questionnaire collects information on the collaboration patterns that are perceived most demanding for certain facilitation functions from a facilitators’ perspective. Finally the data is analyzed and presented for discussion.
Mariëlle den Hengst, Mark Adkins
Added 02 Jun 2010
Updated 02 Jun 2010
Type Conference
Year 2007
Authors Mariëlle den Hengst, Mark Adkins
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