

Who's asking for help?: a Bayesian approach to intelligent assistance

14 years 7 months ago
Who's asking for help?: a Bayesian approach to intelligent assistance
Automated software customization is drawing increasing attention as a means to help users deal with the scope, complexity, potential intrusiveness, and ever-changing nature of modern software. The ability to automatically customize functionality, interfaces, and advice to specific users is made more difficult by the uncertainty about the needs of specific individuals and their preferences for interaction. Following recent probabilistic techniques in user modeling, we model our user with a dynamic Bayesian network (DBN) and propose to explicitly infer the “user’s type”—a composite of personality and affect variables—in real time. We design the system to reason about the impact of its actions given the user’s current attitudes. To illustrate the benefits of this approach, we describe a DBN model for a text-editing help task. We show, through simulations, that user types can be inferred quickly, and that a myopic policy offers considerable benefit by adapting to both dif...
Bowen Hui, Craig Boutilier
Added 14 Jun 2010
Updated 14 Jun 2010
Type Conference
Year 2006
Where IUI
Authors Bowen Hui, Craig Boutilier
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