

(Whose) value-sensitive design: a study of long- distance relationships in an Arabic cultural context

13 years 9 months ago
(Whose) value-sensitive design: a study of long- distance relationships in an Arabic cultural context
This paper describes a qualitative study of how 11 Arab individuals use technology in the context of their longdistance romantic relationships. Our participants’ communication practices bear similarities to previous findings on the mediation of intimacy in the West, but also highlight key differences. We show how these differences relate to expectations of men and women in Arabic culture, and describe how our participants used technologies to enact conventional roles according to these expectations. We note implications for cross-cultural research and valuesensitive design, demonstrating how our participants’ practices relate to Islamic values of support and protection of women. We apply various analytical lenses, including Islamic feminist theories, in interpreting the data. Author Keywords Intimacy, culture, values, communication, feminism. General Terms Human Factors ACM Classification Keywords H5.m. Information interfaces and presentation (e.g., HCI): Miscellaneous.
Tamara Alsheikh, Jennifer A. Rode, Siân E. L
Added 28 May 2011
Updated 28 May 2011
Type Journal
Year 2011
Where CSCW
Authors Tamara Alsheikh, Jennifer A. Rode, Siân E. Lindley
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