

Widest-corridor Problems

14 years 4 months ago
Widest-corridor Problems
A k-dense corridor through a finite set, S, of n points in the plane is the open region of the plane that is bounded by two parallel lines that intersect the convex hull of S and such that the region contains k points of S. The problem of finding a widest k-dense corridor arises in robot motion-planning. In this paper, efficient solutions are presented for several versions of this problem. Results include: two algorithms for finding widest k-dense corridors for any k, an algorithm to dynamically maintain a widest empty corridor under online insertions and deletions in S, an algorithm to find a widest (n − 1)-dense closed corridor, and a widest empty corridor algorithm for polygonal obstacles. The techniques used are based on geometric duality and on efficient searching in the convex layers of a point-set. ACM CCS Categories and Subject Descriptors: E.1, F.2.2, I.2.9 Key words: arrangement, computational geometry, convex layers, data structures, geometric duality
Ravi Janardan, Franco P. Preparata
Added 02 Nov 2010
Updated 02 Nov 2010
Type Conference
Year 1993
Where CCCG
Authors Ravi Janardan, Franco P. Preparata
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