

Wiki credibility enhancement

14 years 7 months ago
Wiki credibility enhancement
Wikipedia has been very successful as an open encyclopedia which is editable by anybody. However, the anonymous nature of Wikipedia means that readers may have less trust since there is no way of verifying the credibility of the authors or contributors. We propose to automatically transfer external information about the authors from outside Wikipedia to Wikipedia pages. This additional information is meant to enhance the credibility of the content. For example, it could be the education level, professional expertise or affiliation of the author. We do this while maintaining anonymity. In this paper, we present the design and architecture of such system together with a prototype. Categories and Subject Descriptors H.3.5 [Information Storage and Retrieval]: Web-based services General Terms Security, Standardization, Verification Keywords Credibility, login, Wikipedia, OpenID, anonymity
Felix Halim, Yongzheng Wu, Roland H. C. Yap
Added 28 May 2010
Updated 28 May 2010
Type Conference
Year 2009
Authors Felix Halim, Yongzheng Wu, Roland H. C. Yap
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