

Wireless Sensor Placement For Reliable and Efficient Data Collection

14 years 7 months ago
Wireless Sensor Placement For Reliable and Efficient Data Collection
Sensors can be paired with radio units and deployed to form a wireless ad-hoc sensor network. Actual deployments must consider the coverage that can be achieved with a given number of sensors: this coverage varies with the range of the radios and the maximum allowable distance between any point in the area and the nearest sensor. Deployments must also preserve connectivity in spite of possible failure or energy depletion in a subset of the units. This paper presents and analyzes a variety of regular deployment topologies, including circular and star deployments as well as deployments in square, triangular, and hexagonal grids.
Edoardo S. Biagioni, Galen H. Sasaki
Added 04 Jul 2010
Updated 04 Jul 2010
Type Conference
Year 2003
Authors Edoardo S. Biagioni, Galen H. Sasaki
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