

On Wiretap Networks II

14 years 11 days ago
On Wiretap Networks II
We consider the problem of securing a multicast network against a wiretapper that can intercept the packets on a limited number of arbitrary network links of his choice. We assume that the network implements network coding techniques to simultaneously deliver all the packets available at the source to all the destinations. We show how this problem can be looked at as a network generalization of the Ozarow-Wyner Wiretap Channel of type II. In particular, we show that network security can be achieved by using the Ozarow-Wyner approach of coset coding at the source on top of the implemented network code. This way, we quickly and transparently recover some of the results available in the literature on secure network coding for wiretapped networks. We also derive new bounds on the required secure code alphabet size and an algorithm for code construction.
Salim Y. El Rouayheb, Emina Soljanin
Added 09 Dec 2010
Updated 09 Dec 2010
Type Journal
Year 2008
Where CORR
Authors Salim Y. El Rouayheb, Emina Soljanin
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