

WoPeD 2.0 goes BPEL 2.0

14 years 4 months ago
WoPeD 2.0 goes BPEL 2.0
WoPeD (Workflow Petrinet Designer) is an easy-to-use, Java-based open source software tool being developed at the University of Cooperative Education, Karlsruhe. WoPeD is able to edit, simulate and analyze workflow nets, providing a useful instrument in particular for research and educational purposes. This paper gives an overview to the current features of the tool, in particular on the newly-added BPEL export and coverability graph visualization capabilities which will be part of the next major release 2.0 What is WoPeD? WoPeD is Java-based and supports the class of workflow nets as well as standard place/transition nets. WoPeD is strictly supporting the well-established "van der Aalst" notation [Aal02] and can visualize both structure and dynamics of workflow processes, helping to get a deeper and more intuitive understanding of the underlying theoretical concepts. WoPeD mainly focuses on educational, scientific and publishing purposes in the field of Petri net-based workf...
Andreas Eckleder, Thomas Freytag
Added 29 Oct 2010
Updated 29 Oct 2010
Type Conference
Year 2008
Where AWPN
Authors Andreas Eckleder, Thomas Freytag
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