

WSMO Choreography: From Abstract State Machines to Concurrent Transaction Logic

14 years 2 months ago
WSMO Choreography: From Abstract State Machines to Concurrent Transaction Logic
tract State Machines to Concurrent Transaction Logic Dumitru Roman1 , Michael Kifer2 , and Dieter Fensel1 1 STI Innsbruck, Austria 2 State University of New York at Stony Brook, USA Abstract. Several approaches to semantic Web services, including OWLS, SWSF, and WSMO, have been proposed in the literature with the aim to enable automation of various tasks related to Web services, including discovery, contracting, enactment, monitoring, and mediation. The ability to specify processes and to reason about them is central to these initiatives. In this paper we analyze the WSMO choreography hich is based on Abstract State Machines (ASMs), and propose a methodology for generating WSMO choreography from visual specifications. We point out the limitations of the current WSMO model and propose a faithful extension that is based on Concurrent Transaction Logic (CTR). The advantage of a CTR-based model is that it uniformly captures a number of aspects that previously required separate mechanisms o...
Dumitru Roman, Michael Kifer, Dieter Fensel
Added 19 Oct 2010
Updated 19 Oct 2010
Type Conference
Year 2008
Where ESWS
Authors Dumitru Roman, Michael Kifer, Dieter Fensel
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