

WSN and P2P: A Self-Managing Marriage

14 years 6 months ago
WSN and P2P: A Self-Managing Marriage
Wireless sensor networks are designed for a very wide, yet specific, purpose. Their components have processing and power limitations. Due to these limitations, decisions by running complex algorithms with the information collected by sensors must be done in components external to the WSN. This document presents a combination of WSN and p2p networks to ease the development of systems that rely on WSN functionality. As a result, we propose the creation of a proabstraction that allows developers to concentrate on the functionality of the developing system. We also propose the use of feedback loops as a way to design and develop the components of the abstraction and to define selfmanaging behavior for them. Those components should be also lowly coupled, interchangeable and extensible.
Gustavo Gutierrez, Boris Mejías, Peter Van
Added 01 Jun 2010
Updated 01 Jun 2010
Type Conference
Year 2008
Where SASO
Authors Gustavo Gutierrez, Boris Mejías, Peter Van Roy, Diana Velasco, Juan Torres
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