

The yeast kinome displays scale free topology with functional hub clusters

14 years 3 months ago
The yeast kinome displays scale free topology with functional hub clusters
Background: The availability of interaction databases provides an opportunity for researchers to utilize immense amounts of data exclusively in silico. Recently there has been an emphasis on studying the global properties of biological interactions using network analysis. While this type of analysis offers a wide variety of global insights it has surprisingly not been used to examine more localized interactions based on mechanism. In as such we have particular interest in the role of key topological components in signal transduction cascades as they are vital regulators of healthy and diseased cell states. Results: We have used publicly available databases and a novel software tool termed Hubview to model the interactions of a subset of the yeast interactome, specifically protein kinases and their interaction partners. Analysis of the connectivity distribution has inferred a fat-tailed degree distribution with parameters consistent with those found in other biological networks. In add...
Robin E. C. Lee, Lynn A. Megeney
Added 15 Dec 2010
Updated 15 Dec 2010
Type Journal
Year 2005
Authors Robin E. C. Lee, Lynn A. Megeney
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