

Z-Tiles: building blocks for modular, pressure-sensing floorspaces

15 years 1 months ago
Z-Tiles: building blocks for modular, pressure-sensing floorspaces
A new interactive floorspace has been developed which uses modular nodes connected together to create a pressuresensitive area of varying size and shape, giving it the potential to be integrated into an interactive environment. The floorspace uses an array of force-sensitive resistors on each node to detect pressure, and that pressure information is output by way of a self-organised network formed by the floor nodes. This paper describes the pressure sensing and network systems, suggests potential applications of the floorspace, and introduces the further research on innetwork data aggregation being carried out using the system's framework. Author Keywords pressure-sensitive, networked floorspace, self-organising, foot sensing, blob detection, responsive environments. ACM Classification Keywords C.3 Special-Purpose And Application-Based Systems: Microprocessor/microcomputer applications; Real-time and embedded systems; Signal processing systems. E.4 Coding And Information Theory:...
Bruce Richardson, Joseph A. Paradiso, Krispin Leyd
Added 01 Dec 2009
Updated 01 Dec 2009
Type Conference
Year 2004
Where CHI
Authors Bruce Richardson, Joseph A. Paradiso, Krispin Leydon, Mikael Fernström
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