

Zerber: r-confidential indexing for distributed documents

15 years 3 months ago
Zerber: r-confidential indexing for distributed documents
To carry out work assignments, small groups distributed within a larger enterprise often need to share documents among themselves while shielding those documents from others' eyes. In this situation, users need an indexing facility that can quickly locate relevant documents that they are allowed to access, without (1) leaking information about the remaining documents, (2) imposing a large management burden as users, groups, and documents evolve, or (3) requiring users to agree on a central completely trusted authority. To address this problem, we propose the concept of r-confidentiality, which captures the degree of information leakage from an index about the terms contained in inaccessible documents. Then we propose the r-confidential Zerber indexing facility for sensitive documents, which uses secret splitting and term merging to provide tunable limits on information leakage, even under statistical attacks; requires only limited trust in a central indexing authority; and is ext...
Sergej Zerr, Elena Demidova, Daniel Olmedilla, Wol
Added 08 Dec 2009
Updated 08 Dec 2009
Type Conference
Year 2008
Where EDBT
Authors Sergej Zerr, Elena Demidova, Daniel Olmedilla, Wolfgang Nejdl, Marianne Winslett, Soumyadeb Mitra
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