

A Zero Knowledge Password Proof Mutual Authentication Technique Against Real-Time Phishing Attacks

14 years 5 months ago
A Zero Knowledge Password Proof Mutual Authentication Technique Against Real-Time Phishing Attacks
Phishing attack is a kind of identity theft trying to steal confidential data. Existing approaches against phishing attacks cannot prevent real-time phishing attacks. This paper proposes an Anti-Phishing Authentication (APA) technique to detect and prevent real-time phishing attacks. It uses 2-way authentication and zero-knowledge password proof. Users are recommended to customize their user interfaces and thus defend themselves against spoofing. The proposed technique assumes the preexistence of a shared secret key between any two communicating partners, and ignores the existence of any malware at client sides.
Mohsen Sharifi, Alireza Saberi, Mojtaba Vahidi, Mo
Added 17 Aug 2010
Updated 17 Aug 2010
Type Conference
Year 2007
Authors Mohsen Sharifi, Alireza Saberi, Mojtaba Vahidi, Mohammad Zoroufi
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