

ZONER: A ZONE-based Sensor Relocation Protocol for Mobile Sensor Networks

14 years 6 months ago
ZONER: A ZONE-based Sensor Relocation Protocol for Mobile Sensor Networks
— In mobile sensor networks, self-deployment and relocation are two different research issues, both of which involve autonomous sensor movement. They share in most cases a common goal, that is, to improve overall network sensing coverage. Under this circumstance, some self-deployment algorithms may be applied to solving relocation problem without modification. However, considering efficiency, they will not be a good option in the scenario with high sensor failure rate. Existing sensor relocation protocols are not quite practical because they rely on strong assumptions and/or have weakness in maintaining network topology. In this paper, we propose a distributed zone-based sensor relocation protocol, ZONER, for mobile sensor networks on the basis of a restricted flooding technique, i.e., ZFlooding. Requiring zero-knowledge about sensor field, the ZONER is able to effectively discover previously-deployed redundant sensors without being concerned with obstacles or network ununiformit...
Xu Li, Nicola Santoro
Added 12 Jun 2010
Updated 12 Jun 2010
Type Conference
Year 2006
Where LCN
Authors Xu Li, Nicola Santoro
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