

From a Zoo to a Zoology: Towards a General Theory of Graph Polynomials

14 years 16 days ago
From a Zoo to a Zoology: Towards a General Theory of Graph Polynomials
Abstract. We outline a general theory of graph polynomials which covers all the examples we found in the vast literature, in particular, the chromatic polynomial, various generalizations of the Tutte polynomial, matching polynomials, interlace polynomials, and the cover polynomial of digraphs. We introduce two classes of (hyper)graph polynomials definable in second order logic, and outline a research program for their classification in terms of definability and complexity considerations, and various notions of reducibilities.
Johann A. Makowsky
Added 13 Dec 2010
Updated 13 Dec 2010
Type Journal
Year 2008
Where MST
Authors Johann A. Makowsky
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