This paper presents a geometric approach to recognizing smooth objects from their outlines. We define a signature function that associates feature vectors with objects and baseline...
Svetlana Lazebnik, Amit Sethi, Cordelia Schmid, Da...
Abstract. We introduce a novel implicit approach for single object segmentation in 3D images. The boundary surface of this object is assumed to contain two known curves (the constr...
Are the object manipulation techniques traditionally used in head?mounted displays (HMDs) applicable to augmented reality based projection systems? This paper examines the differe...
Stephen Voida, Mark Podlaseck, Rick Kjeldsen, Clau...
Many 3D formats exist and will co-exist for a long time since there is no 3D standard that defines a generally accepted 3D format. The support for multiple 3D formats will be impo...
We present an interactive system to create 3D models of objects of interest in their natural cluttered environments. A typical setting for 3D modeling of an object of interest invo...