It is shown that the (diagonal) size Ramsey numbers of complete m-partite graphs Km(n) can be bounded from below by cn22(m−1)n, where c is a positive constant. Key words: Size R...
1 The Ramsey number R(G1, G2) is the smallest integer p such that for any graph G on p vertices2 either G contains G1 or G contains G2, where G denotes the complement of G. In this...
Given a graph on n vertices which is the union of two comparability graphs on the same vertex set, it always contains a clique or independent set of size n 1 3 . On the other hand...
The f-regressive Ramsey number Rreg f (d, n) is the minimum N such that every colouring of the d-tuples of an N-element set mapping each x1, . . . , xd to a colour ≤ f(x1) contai...
Let f1 and f2 be graph parameters. The Ramsey number r(f1 m; f2 n) is defined as the minimum integer N such that any graph G on N vertices, either f1(G) m or f2(G) n. A genera...