In program debugging, finding a failing run is only the first step; what about correcting the fault? Can we automate the second task as well as the first? The AutoFix-E tool au...
Yi Wei, Yu Pei, Carlo A. Furia, Lucas S. Silva, St...
Asynchronous systems components are hard to write, hard to reason about, and (not coincidentally) hard to mechanically verify. In order to achieve high performance, asynchronous c...
Prakash Chandrasekaran, Christopher L. Conway, Jos...
Achieving high structural coverage such as branch coverage in objectoriented programs is an important and yet challenging goal due to two main challenges. First, some branches inv...
Logic programming under the answer-set semantics nowadays deals with numerous different notions of equivalence between programs. This is due to the fact that equivalence for substi...
Analytical models for the dynamics of some discrete event systems are introduced where the system trajectories are solutions to linear and mixed-integer programs. 1 BACKGROUND The...