Effective systems for expressive description logics require a heavily-optimised subsumption checker incorporating a range of optimisation techniques. Because of the correspondence...
Abstract-- We describe an automatic approach for evaluating interpretability of fuzzy rule-based classifiers. The approach is based on the logical view of fuzzy rules, which are in...
Corrado Mencar, Ciro Castiello, Anna Maria Fanelli
In this document we cany out a comparative analysis of the reasoning strategies implemented in Fuzzy Logic Controllers (hereinafter FLCs) and Faded Temporal Fuzzy Logic Controller...
We propose a framework for comparing the expressive power and computational behaviour of modal logics designed for reasoning about qualitative aspects of metric spaces. Within this...
Mikhail Sheremet, Dmitry Tishkovsky, Frank Wolter,...
A simple model of dynamic databases is studied from a modal logic perspecitve. A state α of a database is an atomic update of a state β if at most one atomic statement is evaluat...