Abstract. In 1982, Bennett and Brassard suggested a new way to provide privacy in long distance communications with security based on the correctness of the basic principles of qua...
The most expensive geometric operation in image synthesis is visibility determination. Classically this is solved with hidden surface removal algorithms that render only the parts...
Dynamic predication has been proposed to reduce the branch misprediction penalty due to hard-to-predict branch instructions. A recently proposed dynamic predication architecture, ...
Pre-execution techniques have received much attention as an effective way of prefetching cache blocks to tolerate the everincreasing memory latency. A number of pre-execution tech...
Dongkeun Kim, Shih-Wei Liao, Perry H. Wang, Juan d...
One of the characteristicsof object-oriented software is the complex dependency that may exist between classes due to inheritance, association and aggregation relationships. Hence...