One-clock priced timed games is a class of two-player, zero-sum, continuous-time games that was defined and thoroughly studied in previous works. We show that One-clock priced ti...
Thomas Dueholm Hansen, Rasmus Ibsen-Jensen, Peter ...
An average-time game is played on the infinite graph of configurations of a finite timed automaton. The two players, Min and Max, construct an infinite run of the automaton by ...
We study Nash equilibria and the price of anarchy in the context of flows over time. Many results on static routing games have been obtained over the last ten years. In flows ov...
In a class of games known as Stackelberg games, one agent (the leader) must commit to a strategy that can be observed by the other agent (the follower or adversary) before the adv...
Praveen Paruchuri, Jonathan P. Pearce, Janusz Mare...
The MasterMind game involves decoding a secret code. The classic game is a code of six possible colors in four slots. The game has been analyzed and optimal strategies have been po...