Abstract— Wireless Sensor Networks (WSNs) have the potential of significantly enhancing our ability to monitor and interact with our physical environment. Realizing a faulttoler...
Iman Saleh, Mohamed Eltoweissy, Adnan Agbaria, Hes...
The following three questions should be answered in developing new topology with more powerful ability to tolerate node-failure in wireless sensor network. First, what is node-fai...
— Heterogeneous wireless sensor networks are made up of different kinds of nodes. Some nodes, the sensors, are used as an interface to the physical environment. Other nodes act i...
Francesco Nidito, Michele Battelli, Stefano Basagn...
This paper addresses fault-tolerant topology control in a heterogeneous wireless sensor network consisting of several resource-rich supernodes, used for data relaying, and a large...