The control flow of common processors does not match the specific needs of reactive systems. Key issues for these systems are preemption and concurrency, combined with timing pred...
Continuations are a well established programming concept that allows capturing and resuming the current program state. They can be found in several functional programming languages...
In a variety of disciplines such as social sciences, psychology, medicine and economics, the recorded data are considered to be noisy measurements of latent variables connected by...
Abstract. The paper proposes a method to improve the extraction of lowfrequency translation equivalents from comparable corpora. Prior to performing the mapping between vector spac...
Viktor Pekar, Ruslan Mitkov, Dimitar Blagoev, Andr...
Background: A fundamental problem when trying to define the functional relationships between proteins is the difficulty in quantifying functional similarities, even when well-stru...
Angela del Pozo, Florencio Pazos, Alfonso Valencia