We prove that every rational language of words indexed by linear orderings is definable in monadic second-order logic. We also show that the converse is true for the class of langu...
Abstract. We give a simple term calculus for the multiplicative exponential fragment of Classical Linear Logic, by extending Barber and Plotkin's system for the intuitionistic...
We study the type checking and type inference problems for intuitionistic linear logic: given a System F typed λ-term, (i) for an alleged linear logic type, determine whether the...
Bistructures are a generalisation of event structures which allow a representation of spaces of functions at higher types in an orderextensional setting. The partial order of caus...
Pierre-Louis Curien, Gordon D. Plotkin, Glynn Wins...
We use Girard's linear logic (LL) to produce a semantics for Gamma, a multiset transformation language. The semantics improves on the existing structured operational semantics...