Domain-specific reconfigurable arrays have shown to provide an efficient trade-off between flexibility of FPGA and performance of ASIC circuit. Nonetheless, the design of these he...
Many verification problems reduce to proving the validity of formulas involving both propositional connectives and domain-specific functions and predicates. This paper presents ...
Cormac Flanagan, Rajeev Joshi, Xinming Ou, James B...
Register renaming is a widely used technique to remove false data dependencies in contemporary superscalar microprocessors. The register rename logic includes a mapping table that ...
In this paper we investigate the behavior of data prefetching on an access decoupled machine and a superscalar machine. We assess if there are bene ts to using the decoupling para...
With the recent development of nanoscale materials and assembly techniques, it is envisioned to build high-density reconfigurable systems which have never been achieved by the pho...
Yadunandana Yellambalase, Minsu Choi, Yong-Bin Kim